
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Donald Knuth!

“Post Knuth birthday article” was an item on my list of blogging to-dos that I missed yesterday. So I’ll just wish the Good Doctor a happy 70th birthday, point you to Jeff “Coding Horror” Atwood’s article on Knuth (full of linky goodness) and close with this amusing thought: if someone wants to make a Knuth biopic, I nominate Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute in the American version of The Office) to play him…

A younger Donald Knuth and Rainn Wilson, side by side.

“Post Knuth birthday article” was an item on my list of blogging to-dos that I missed yesterday. So I’ll just wish the Good Doctor a happy 70th birthday, point you to Jeff “Coding Horror” Atwood’s article on Knuth (full of linky goodness) and close with this amusing thought: if someone wants to make a Knuth biopic, I nominate Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute in the American version of The Office) to play him…

A younger Donald Knuth and Rainn Wilson, side by side.