
Comedy is Tragedy + YouTube (With a Dash of Legal Stupidity)

This story starts out with video of a tragically bad corporate reinterpretation of U2's "One" (commissioned to commemorate the union of Bank of America and MBNA's credit card businesses). It was so painful, it became something of an internet comedy senation. The New York Times, however, notes that the tale has turned tragically stupid:

A video of two Bank of America employees singing a version of U2’s “One” to commemorate their company’s acquisition of MBNA recently made the rounds of the blogs, prompting amusement and some ridicule from online viewers.

But the intended comic effect of their performance and the retooled lyrics (“One spirit, we get to share it/Leading us all to higher standards”) seemed lost on lawyers on the lookout for copyright violations.

On Tuesday, a lawyer for the Universal Music Publishing Group, a catalog owner and administrator, posted the text of a cease-and-desist letter in the comments section of, a Web site carrying the video. It contended that Bank of America had violated Universal’s copyright of the U2 song.

All this really shows is the indiscriminate nature with which Big Content uses the legal weapons at their disposal, without a second's thought or reflection. I won't bother with the neo-hippie "it used to be about the music, man" lament that the music business is now dominated by corporate management, but doesn't this kind of nonsense make you wonder if the legal staffs at the major record labels have too much power?

The joke's on UMG, of course. The sheer awfulness of the song has spawned a cover featuring Johnny Marr (ex of the Smiths) and David Cross (ex of Mr Show and Arrested Development). Enjoy.

Note to UMG lawyers: please click on "Leave a Comment" to post your cease and desist notices.

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