[via Andrew Sullivan] Here's a blast from the past: a montage of those “You Will” ads from AT&T from 1993…
Although the current forms look a little different from those in the ads, I think that all of the then-futuristic innovations featured in the ads became reality. In fact, I'd bet that the Global Nerdy readership's used at least two-thirds of them by now. (Of course, you could attend in-person meetings in your bare feet at a number of start-ups during the bubble.)
Here's the kicker: aside from providing pieces of the network and giving birth to UNIX twenty years prior to those ads, none of those innovations actually came from AT&T.
The bit about sending a fax from the beach — as opposed to email — made me smirk. Every time someone requires me to fax something to them, I have a little internal reaction similar to Ray's from the webcomic Achewood:
Click the picture to read the full comic.