
My Wedding, in a Wall Street Journal Article on “Liveblogging”

Wendy and Joey’s wedding and the Wall Street Journal logo.

Our wedding gets mentioned in an article in today’s Wall Street Journal Online titled The Minutes of Our Lives, which looks at the growing phenomenon of liveblogging — that is, blogging about an event while at that event. It’s no longer unusual to see people liveblogging at tech conferences or events on live television, but some people are liveblogging things like their Thanksgiving dinner or the birth of their child., where you can post ultra-short entries typically no longer than a sentence, even had a post made from a mobile phone at a funeral.

Jennifer Saranow, WSJ staff reporter and author of the article, has been in touch with me and my wife Wendy for the past couple of weeks. She contacted us after finding this article on our wedding blog by Wendy:

If you would like to blog our wedding, you may do so! But after the fact. We really want all the fun things to be a surprise. And we really, really don’t want you to bring your laptops to the wedding (JKB). We want you to pay undivided attention (Ethan, hee) to the ceremony and then have face-to-face exciting interactions – like dancing! (Erica, I know you don’t need to be asked twice) – during the reception. But after you leave, we’d be more than happy to have you blog about it. There are a lot of bloggers and readers whom we weren’t able to invite, and the more of a taste we as a group can offer them…well, it’d make me happy. We hope to post some photos soon after ourselves.

Here’s the snippet from the Wall Street Journal article that mentions us:

Hosts who want to ensure that guests focus on the festivities are responding with countermeasures. Expecting about half a dozen bloggers at their wedding, Joey de Villa, 39, and Wendy Koslow, 32, posted “A Note To Other Bloggers” on their wedding Web site about two weeks before their September 2005 nuptials in Cambridge, Mass. The note asked guests not to bring their laptops to the event and to only blog about the wedding after the fact. “I wanted them to pay attention and enjoy themselves and participate,” says Ms. Koslow, who came up with the idea for the embargo. “I wanted them to be in the moment.”

Although the guests complied, the first attendee blog post was up by 11:16 that night, shortly after the reception ended. The culprit: Rev. A. K. M. Adam, a 49-year-old Episcopal priest from Evanston, Ill., who preached at the ceremony. From his hotel room, he wrote, “the ketubah is signed, the glass smashed, the champagne toasted, the disco medley played, and the guests exhausted. These guests, anyway.” Rev. Adam says, “It was the thing that happened that day, so I wrote about it.”

My thanks to Jennifer Saranow for including me and Wendy in the story.

(And yes, George was at the wedding — he was my best man!)

George and Joey at Joey’s wedding rehearsal dinner.