
Send Twitter Messages from the Command Line (Mac OS and Linux)

If you’re like me and Twitter only from a computer, you’re probably annoyed with the slow load time of the Twitter site. Using IM was an option, but as of this writing, the IM system is still down.

If you’re running a Mac or Linux and have curl installed (I believe it’s installed by default on Mac OS X), you can send “tweets” — that’s what they call Twitter messages — using the command line. Open up a terminal application and enter the following, all on the same line, substituting your username, password and message where appropriate:

curl -u your-twitter-username-here:your-twitter-password-here -d status="Your message here"

4 replies on “Send Twitter Messages from the Command Line (Mac OS and Linux)”

I re-installed a clean copy of OS X lately and haven’t gotten around to putting Quicksilver back on. It’s just me, the command line and curl. I’ve heard of the QS Tweet script, though.

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