
Take the Rails Pledge!

Button: “I took the Rails Pledge”This is an idea I’ve been holding since RailsConf 2006, and some of you may think that it’s a bit too early to unveil it. I think I’m just planning ahead.

The idea is called The Rails Pledge, and I strongly encourage all of you who are Rails developers — especially the more fanatical/fan-boyish types, the ones Chad Fowler referred to as “arrogant bastards” in his opening keynote at RailsConf 2007 — to take it.

It goes like this:

I #{stateYourName}
Do solemnly swear
That when the day comes
That a new application platform comes out
And developers flock to it like moths to the flame
That I will take it in stride
And remember the good times
And productivity
And camaraderie with other developers
That came about because of Rails.

I also swear that
If this platform suits my needs better
And makes me a more productive and happy coder
And makes it easy to make my users happy,
I will glady migrate to it
Without whining.

(Rails developers who are also Battlestar Galactica fans: feel free to add a little flourish to the Pledge by adding “So say we all” at the end.)

It’s a long shot that anyone will actually take the pledge, but on the very off chance that you do, feel free to use the “I Took the Rails Pledge” button shown here. If you decide to take the pledge and record it as a podcast or post it to YouTube, let me know! I’ll even come up with a prize for someone who gets a recording of DHH taking the pledge.