MMORPGs Build Business Skills?
A study released by IBM and collaboration software maker Seriosity found significant parallels between business leaders and MMPORG gamers.
MMPORG games, which include World of Warcraft, Eve Online and EverQuest, can include millions of players who come together in various groups to accomplish a specific mission or task.
Gamers learn collaboration, self-organization, risk taking, openness, influence and how to earn incentives when involved in a MMPORG, according to a study of 200 members of IBM’s internal gaming community.
“Smart organizations are recognizing valued employees who play online games and apply their skills and experiences as virtual leaders to their ‘real world’ jobs,” says Jim Spohrer, IBM Research Center’s director of services research.
Half of survey participants said playing MMPORGs improved their “real world” leadership skills, while 4 out of 10 surveyed indicated they have applied such game leadership techniques to the workplace.
The survey found that leadership roles are far more fleeting among MMPORG players than in the real world. Leadership is viewed as a role an individual plays to accomplish a specific task, rather than one that remains for an indefinite duration.
I personally know a couple of big-shots who spend a fair bit of time playing World of Warcraft, even when they’re on the road: Joi Ito and my boss’ boss’ boss, Tucows CEO Elliot Noss. Perhaps I should buttonhole fearless leader and see if I can’t get him to do a podcast interview about his adventures on World of Warcraft.
The Dangers of World of Warcraft
I can’t resist including the comic below, The Dangers of World of Warcraft in this article. It’s an old “Dangers of Alcoholism” comic re-jigged to poke fun at people hooked on this very addictive game. Click it to see the full-sized version.
Click the comic to see it at full size.
Comic courtesy of Miss Fipi Lele.
12 replies on “Yet Another Excuse to Play “World of Warcraft””
WoW That is sooo sad/hilarious…omg im gonna send this to all my friends that play wow, i play wow so i know the dangers. HEHE
u guys suck really bad WoW is a freaking lifesaver i dont know what id do W/O it! but always remeber its never gonna end! for the allis!!!!!!!!
Wow is awesome QQ moar newbs
MMPORG = …. Massively Multiplayer Play Online Role Game?
Perhaps you meant MMORPG.
WoW killed my dog.
Actually, I killed my dog, but I play WoW too.
lol, friggin’ great, and I wish some of the horde on Darkspear would take that means to an end in the comic… “FOR THE HORDE!!!” and right into a tree with you, ganking lowbies when they are questing…. XD
this is one of those love/hate kind of games
I get the humor in this comic, but it’s all still stereotypical motherfucking bullshit. Couples really do not ruin their lives over a game
In fact, only 5% of WoW players waste their lives on that game, but the rest of them like myself have a life
This is one of those funny/hate nerd things that has humor but demotes nerds/geeks and promotes couples and players don’t have a life
50% of people that make up statistics to make them sound smart also have erectile dysfunction
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[…] we go any farther, let me note that for users who only care about playing World of Warcraft in Wine or running Japanese 3D porn games, “fglrx” is probably the way to go. On the […]
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