
My Tech Reading List for May

I got a number of books for free this past week:

Books I\'m reviewing in May 2008

  • Head First PMP – When my friend Leigh Honeywell heard that I was taking a project management course later this month, she told me that she got this book for free at a conference and had no use for it. So she gave this book to me, and I’ll be reading it so that when the course comes around — it’s May 21st through 23rd — I’ll be at least familiar with the material.

And four books from Apress, courtesy of Julie Miller:

I’ll be reading them this month and posting my reviews here in Global Nerdy. Watch this space!

I got a number of books for free this past week:

Books I\'m reviewing in May 2008

  • Head First PMP – When my friend Leigh Honeywell heard that I was taking a project management course later this month, she told me that she got this book for free at a conference and had no use for it. So she gave this book to me, and I’ll be reading it so that when the course comes around — it’s May 21st through 23rd — I’ll be at least familiar with the material.

And four books from Apress, courtesy of Julie Miller:

I’ll be reading them this month and posting my reviews here in Global Nerdy. Watch this space!