Coming Soon to a Landfill Near You is the title of this photo, handed to me by my friend, Miss Fipi Lele:
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It’s something to think about when disposing of your obsolete technology.
Coming Soon to a Landfill Near You is the title of this photo, handed to me by my friend, Miss Fipi Lele:
2 replies on “Coming Soon to a Landfill Near You”
Actually they are more likely to be shipped off to less developed sections of the world and used by people there. Somolia has extensive cell phone network as example. There was a story in Wired on it a while back (a few years at least).
Noticed an interesting thing though: looks like they’re all the exact same model of phone. Wondering if they’re overrun production from a factory or something (remember that rumoured giant landfill of E.T. cartridges from 1984?).
Not to belittle the idea of ignoring where your trashed gear goes – just watch “Manufactured Landscapes” if you want to good dose of that.
Maybe I’m a sentimental packrat, but I tend to keep my old gear around – I have a shelf at home with an old Mac Plus, my PowerBook 170, an old Nokia, a Samsung film camera, etc. These were important parts of my life, and some of it even still works in a pinch.