
Want to Catch Up in Vancouver or Montreal Next Week?

This article was originally published in Canadian Developer Connection.

Vancouver Convention Centre

Next week’s a travel week for me and a fair number of the Developer & Platform Evangelism team. On Wednesday, January 21st and Thursday, January 22nd, we’ll be at TechDays Canada Vancouver, the last leg of our cross-Canada tour where we show Microsoft developers how to best make use of today’s Microsoft tech and development tools. I myself will be do the Deep Dive into ASP.NET AJAX presentation (I’ll post a little more about this tomorrow) on Wednesday, and on Thursday, I fly to…

Montreal Skyline

…Montreal, where I’ll be attending CUSEC, the Canadian University Software Engineering Conference, where I’ll be giving a presentation titled Squeezeboxes, Start-Ups and Selling Out: A Tech Evangelist’s Story. CUSEC runs from Thursday, January 22nd through Saturday, January 24th. Once again, I’ll post a little more about this presentation tomorrow.

If you’d like to catch up with me at either of these cities, get in touch with me! Send me an email, message me at Twitter, or give me a ring on my mobile (416-948-6447). I’ll be staying in Vancouver at the Fairmont Waterfront on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and in Montreal at the Omni Mont-Royal (the conference hotel) from Thursday through Saturday nights. 

[Vancouver Convention Centre photo by Footloosiety; Montreal skyline photo by Anirudh Koul. Both photos are licensed for reuse, commercial use and remixing under Creative Commons.]