
“The Lost and Damned” for Grand Theft Auto IV Now Available for Download



The much-anticipated first downloadable “episode” for Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned, is now available via XBox Live for 1600 Microsoft Points (US$19.99).

The Lost and Damned is a brand new story with brand new characters set in Grand Theft Auto IV’s Liberty City. In the story, you play the part of Johnny, a veteran member of the biker gang known as The Lost. Niko, your character in Grand Theft Auto IV’s main story had some pretty interesting run-ins with them, and as Johnny, you’ll have some pretty interesting run-ins with rival gangs – and probably with rivals within your own gang. (Has there ever been a Grand Theft Auto where a supposed friend didn’t stab you in the back?)

Here’s the first trailer for The Lost and Damned:

…and here’s the follow-up trailer:

I’ll download it tonight and report on my gameplay experiences later this week.

4 replies on ““The Lost and Damned” for Grand Theft Auto IV Now Available for Download”

great game this is probally the second best because who doesnt like the original gta 4… but anyway u can call clay to bring u a bike.. instead of waiting for a car to come by all u have to do is call clay ask for a bike and he will bring u one…. and i think that is the biggest improvement in the game…. if u have 20.00 dollars i recomend u going out and getting microsoft points… about 1600 worth becuase u need this game… but if u dont own gta 4 then u midise well get that game before the lost and damned… becuase i beat the story mode of gta 4 in a couple months… then u should go out and bye this game… gta 4 would run u bout 35.99 or something like that at gamestop….

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