
Windows 7’s Groovy Desktop Backgrounds

Among Windows 7’s Release Candidate 1’s Best New Surprise Features in Gizmodo are the funky (and quite unexpected!) new desktop backgrounds that come with “the Vista that should’ve been”. I have a couple of favourites. One is the one below, which is reminiscent of one of my favourite videogames of all time, Katamari Damacy:

"Katamari Damacy"-esque Windows 7 desktop

I also like the one below.  Can anyone tell me which bridge or road is depicted in the photo?

Bridge Windows 7 desktop

4 replies on “Windows 7’s Groovy Desktop Backgrounds”

Looks like the bridge on the Tullamarine Freeway to/from the airport in Melbourne, Australia.

It is the bridge leading up to the Bolte Bridge on the Tullamarine Freeway, travelling south past the commission flats.

I had this picture on my desktop for years thinking it was in some exotic location where they likely film car commercials. I imagined miles of glassy blue ocean and cliffs just out of view. Then I moved, to Flemington, it has a lovely view of the public housing estate coming across it from the airport

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