
The New York Post on Bing vs. Google? Really?

New York Post logo The New York Post is a “scandal sheet” tabloid newspaper that’s best known for its sensationalistic, hilarious headlines. A few examples:

  • When beer magnate Freddy Heineken was kidnapped, they ran a story titled No Deposit, No Return.
  • When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was linked to a prostitution ring: Ho No.
  • On the possibility of a “Deep Impact”-style collision of a cosmic object with Earth: Kiss Your Asteroid Goodbye.
  • When Newsweek retracted its story about the interrogation tactic of flushing copies of the Qu’ran down the toilet: Holy Shiite.
  • A famous one from 1982: Headless Body in Topless Bar.

There’s even a book that features the best (worst?) of their wacky headlines.

So when you read the Fear Grips Google story in the Post, you should remember that tech really isn;t their forte and that you might want to take it with a grain of salt. I think Search Engine Land sums it up best:

Bing is probably better than Google anticipated and early indications are favorable in terms of user adoption; however not on any scale to threaten Google’s position. I wouldn’t be surprised if Google is taking Bing seriously and trying to carefully assess its algorithm.

Still, the graphic accompanying the Post’s article, Fear Grips Google, is amusing:

"The Searchers" Bing vs. Google infographic from the New York Post

One reply on “The New York Post on Bing vs. Google? Really?”

Yes, but Joey, you play an accordion, which probably doesn’t trump being a headline writer…. ;-)

(iow, ad-hominem argumentation isn’t as fun as ad-rem.)

cu, jd

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