
Windows 7 RTM: Now Available to TechNet Subscribers!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

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If you have a TechNet subscription, you’re in luck – you can download the official ISO files for the RTM version of Windows 7, both 32- and 64-bit!

You can grab it right now at:

My co-worker Rick Claus, Senior IT Pro Evangelist with Microsoft Canada reports that he’s got it up and running on a couple of his boxes and he’s pretty impressed.

Some things to mull over while you’re waiting for the ISOs to download:

  • You can install without a key and have it run for 30 days. Great for a lab environment.
  • Are you running a beta or RC version of Windows 7? You’ll should use the Migration Wizard – migwiz.exe – to save your data settings, then do a clean install.
  • Windows 7 resources abound online. Be sure to visit the Canadian “Springboard” site.
  • Use the Upgrade Advisor tool. It does a check and tells you if your hardware and applications have any known issues (get it here).
  • Check out the great video series on XP to Windows 7 migration that my friends Adam Carter and the gang from have created.
  • Looking for some great technical training on Windows 7? Check out the TechDays conference to register for the client track at a city near you!