
Ignite Your Coding, Episode 1: Andy Hunt

Andy Hunt

Ignite Your Coding

Andy Hunt has been behind some of the biggest ideas in everyday software development in the past decade. From co-authoring the Agile Manifesto and The Pragmatic Programmer to starting The Pragmatic Bookshelf, one of the most influential developer book publishers, to helping bring about the rise of MVC web frameworks, chances are that he’s had some influence on your day-to-day work. In this one-hour webcast, we’ll talk with Andy about the ideas in his latest book, Pragmatic Thinking and Learning. We’ll discuss why your brain is where software development really happens, how you can refactor your thinking and as he puts it, “just the plain old weirdness that is people”.

You can listen to the recording of the webcast (recorded on March 4, 2010) in a couple of ways:

 Direct Download:

MP3 - click here to download

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As always, if you have questions, comments or suggestions on how to make Ignite Your Coding better, we want to hear from you! Feel free to email either of us – John Bristowe and Joey deVilla.

About Ignite Your Coding

Ignite Your Coding is a series of interviews where Microsoft Canada Developer Evangelists John Bristowe and Joey deVilla talk with some of the brightest lights in the professional programming world about their areas of interest, dealing with the constant change in the industry and their suggestions on how to be a better software developer.

Podcast Participants: Andy Hunt, John Bristowe and Joey deVilla.

Music: Win This Race by picadillyCircus Sound Design, courtesy of iStockphoto.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

3 replies on “Ignite Your Coding, Episode 1: Andy Hunt”

Hi Joey,

I tried to subscribe to the iTunes podcast but the links you provided go to Security Bulletins for the Regular IT Guy.

Also, I tried to post this same comment on the CDN Devs blog, but my comment doesn’t appear.

Could you set up the iTunes podcast so I can get all the IYC broadcasts?


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