
A11yCamp: June 8 at the University of Guelph


Just as i18n is shorthand for “internationalization” – it’s made by taking the first and last letters of the word and replacing the 18 letters in between with the number 18 – a11y is shorthand for “accessibility”. That’s why the accessibility unconference taking place at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow, June 8th, at the University of Guelph is called A11yCamp.

Here’s what A11yCamp’s site has to say about the event:

A11yCamp is a participant-driven event about IT accessibility, modeled after the unconference format of BarCamp.  Whether you are an expert or just getting your feet wet in the IT accessibility space, come join us!  With the schedule determined on the spot, A11yCamp Guelph will be a dynamic event with presentations, demos and interaction by and among participants.

Come out to the first A11yCamp at the Aiming for Accessibility conference at the University of Guelph (about an hour west of Toronto) to share and learn about IT accessibility in an open environment.  Also, there will probably be pizza.  And maybe t-shirts.  We hope.  Register Now!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.