
Free Online Training for Windows Phone 7 Development

Bob Caswell from Microsoft’s Learning division told me about some free online training that’s available for developers wanting to get a head-start on Windows Phone 7 Development. Here’s the skinny from the Born to Learn blog:

Get Trained for FREE – Windows Phone 7 Jump Start

Windows Phone 7 Jump Start is a FREE virtual live class for developers interested in developing applications and games for Windows Phone 7.  The course is organized into four virtual instructor-led sessions that are of 3-hour duration.  They will be presented by forthcoming MS Press authors and MVP’s, Andy Wigley and Rob Miles. It will provide developers a jump start for developing Windows Phone 7 applications.  The labs will be completed offline with office hours access to the instructors.

The dates for these course sessions are:

  • July 20 – 11am (EST) / 8am (PST): Session One: Getting Started with Microsoft Windows Phone and Silverlight
  • July 20 – 4pm (EST) / 1pm (PST): Session Two: Programming Game Applications with XNA
  • July 22 – 11am (EST) / 8am (PST): Session Three:  Programming Applications with Silverlight
  • July 22 – 4pm (EST) / 1pm (PST): Session Four:  Review and Wrap Up

Space is limited, so go register for the course now!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.