
DemoCamp Toronto 27: Wednesday, October 6th

Number 27 already?

DemoCamp is “show and tell” for the bright lights of the local tech and startup scene, where they get to talk about their current projects in front of a group of their peers. Although its format has undergone many changes through the years, the spirit remains the same:

  • An emphasis on demos rather than marketing pitches
  • A preference for showing working projects in action over slides
  • The idea that it’s important to build a sense of community among local techies and entrepreneurs

fred wilson

Special Guest: Not Just a VC, but “A VC”

There’s a big-name guest coming to this DemoCamp: New York City-based venture capitalist Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures. You might have read his blog, A VC. (In light of the recent tech media kerfuffle called AngelGate, this should make for a very interesting Q&A session.)

Here are the details of DemoCamp 27:

  • The Date: Wednesday, October 6
  • The Time: 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern
  • The Location: To be determined
  • The Price: $15

The idea behind DemoCamp has always been to make it as inexpensive as possible and to charge only enough money to be able to recoup costs such as paying for the venue. $15 is a steal.

For more information and to register for the event, see this entry in the DemoCamp blog.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.