
Scenes from TechDays Edmonton, Part 2


Here’s Microsoft’s Kevin Harris doing the Silverlight presentation on Day 1:



After Kevin’s session came what might be the hottest session at TechDays this year – the Windows Phone 7 session. Here’s the crowd in the room a good ten minutes before the session started, with most of the seats already gone:


With a few seats dragged in from other rooms, speaker and long-time Windows Mobile guru Mark Arteaga began his presentation:


Miguel Carrasco of Imaginet was the track host for the Developing for Three Screens and the Cloud track and kept things running smoothly:


…while Mark rocked the WP7 demo:


If you ever need IT pro training, Sean Kearney is your go-to guy. He’s one of the best presenters on the circuit, and delightfully wacky. Just don’t let him have any Red Bull before he goes onstage:


Here’s the crowd at the Team Foundation Server for Everyone session:


Aaron Kowall presented the session:


Edmonton represent! Mack Male of Paramagnus was the track host for the Optimizing the Development Process track:


Meanwhile, in the Collaboration Lounge, the Kinect games continued to draw in curious onlookers:


Here’s Blythe Morrow coaching a guy taking the Kinect driving game for a spin:


We encouraged speakers not to hide out in the speaker prep room and to hang out in open areas like the Collaboration Lounge or the Ask the Experts area, a comfy zone with couches, beanbags and whiteboards. I couldn’t resist drawing a couple of comics. One featured Damir Bersinic, the evangelist in charge of TechDays:


and the other was to let folks know that if they had any questions about Windows Phone 7, they should come to me:


Lunch! Here’s the view from the stage in the “F and B” (Food and Beverage) room:


Along with lunch comes a show – a number of demos of various goodies from the Microsoft platform. Here are Rick Claus, John Bristowe and Rodney Buike setting up for their demos:


Here’s Damir doing his lunch demo:


In case you were wondering who picked the sessions for the developer tracks – Developing for Three Screens and the Cloud and Optimizing the Development Process – it was me, in consultation with a number of prominent developers in the .NET community. One of my very first picks was Branching and Merging Practices. It’s a topic covered fairly often in the open source world, but I feel it needs more discussion in the .NET world. Tommy Lum from Habanero presented:


Miguel did more than just play track host – he also presented! Here he is, talking about how to build web sites more quickly using Visual Studio 2010:



At the same time in the Optimizing the Development Process track, Michael Schweitzer covered getting the most out of .NET Framework 4.0, which is chock full of developer goodies:


This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.