
Meet Some of Your Fellow Canadian Windows Phone Developers

Last month, we held a little party where we invited Toronto-area tech press and bloggers to meet some local Windows Phone 7 developers and see what they were working on. This video was shot at the party and features Yours Truly and the developers:

The developers featured in this video are:

  • Mark Arteaga: Owner/developer at Redbit Development. He’s been building Microsoft-based phone applications since the Windows Mobile days, and he’s got some pretty interesting apps lined up for some pretty interesting customers – I’m sure you’ll see them soon. You may have seen him (or you will see him, depending on when you’re attending) at TechDays, where he’s doing a twopart series of sessions on WP7 development with Silverlight.
  • Mike Kasprzak: Owner/developer at Sykhronics and the guy behind Smiles, a very charming, very addictive puzzle game.
  • Barranger Ridler: Indie developer who built Where’s Timmy?, an app that tells you which Tim Hortons are closest to you, and the guy who wrote a WP7 app that won the August Twilio API contest. He now works with Mark Arteaga.
  • Alexey Adamsky: Based in Ryerson University’s Digital Media Zone and working with Alex Yakobovich, he developed a 3-D version of Sudoku. If you thought Sudoku was a lot of work in two dimensions…
  • Shawn Konopinsky: He’s with Nascent Digital and built Songbuzz, a social music sharing app.

Windows Phone displaying the text "Got an app? Contact Joey before Monday, October 18"

We’re very happy to showcase the work of Canadian developers building Windows Phone apps. Want to join the ranks of the developers in the video? Got a Windows Phone 7 app that’s done or nearly done? Want to get a head start on everyone else trying to submit an app to Windows Phone Marketplace? Drop me – Joey deVilla – a line before Monday, October 18th!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.