
“Who Poked the Sleeping Dragon?” and Other Microsoft Metaphors

The incredibly low-resolution dragon from the Atari 2600 game "Adventure": "In A.D. 2010, dragon was awakening".

Who Poked the Sleeping Dragon? asks The Next Web in response to the changes in Microsoft and its offerings as of late, from Windows 7 to Internet Explorer 9 to Windows Phone 7. Frederic Lardinois of ReadWriteWeb posts on his personal tech blog, NewsGrange, that The Microsoft Tanker Has Turned and You Ignore It at Your Peril. TechCrunch’s resident Apple fanboy (he says so himself) MG Siegler titled a recent article Wow, With Windows Phone 7, Did Microsoft Actually Bring a Gun to a Gunfight? It’s interesting to see the sort of articles the tech pundits are cranking out these days about the company for which I work – and the metaphors they’re employing.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.