
Scenes from TechDays Ottawa, Part 2: In Which I Go a Little Whiteboard Crazy

wp7 whiteboardClick the photo to see it at full size.

The “Ask the Experts” (or in French, “Demander aux experts”) area of TechDays Ottawa sports whiteboards that were looking a little too blank for this recovering cartoonist’s tastes. Taking matters into my own hands, I started working on a whiteboard “tapestry”, adding to it during lulls that happened in the conference centre as sessions took place. By 2:45 p.m., the whiteboard was full and the result appears in the photo above – click on it to see it at a larger size.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.

2 replies on “Scenes from TechDays Ottawa, Part 2: In Which I Go a Little Whiteboard Crazy”

You should bring that to the Coffee and Code tomorrow – there are some really good conceptual ideas for developers on that board.

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