
TechDays Winnipeg / Coffee and Code Winnipeg This Week!

Winnipeg skyline at duskWikimedia Commons photo courtesy of "Wpg Guy". Click to see the original.

This week, the gang and I will be in Winnipeg for TechDays (Tuesday, December 7th and Wednesday December 8th) to bring the knowledge from TechEd North America 2010, MIX10 and PDC and to catch up with our developer, IT Pro and manager friends.

If you’ve been meaning to meet the “field specialists” on Microsoft Canada’s Developer and Platform Evangelism team, TechDays Winnipeg is the perfect time and place to do so, because all the evangelists will be there:

  • Christian Beauclair, ISV Breadth Evangelist based in Ottawa
  • Damir Bersinic, Platform Evangelist based in Toronto
  • John Bristowe, Developer Evangelist based in Calgary
  • Rick Claus, IT Pro Evangelist/Destroyer of Worlds based in Ottawa
  • Yours Truly (Joey deVilla), Developer Evangelist based in Toronto
  • Frederic Harper, Developer Evangelist based in Montreal
  • Ruth Morton, IT Pro Evangelist based in Toronto
  • and John Oxley, our manager/cat-herder based in Toronto

We’re also holding a Coffee and Code on Thursday, December 9th at the Second Cup at 100 Osborne Street from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Come on down, meet up with me, talk Windows Phone 7 or anything else that comes to mind!

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.