
AzureFest Redux!

AzureFest ReduxIn case you missed Saturday’s AzureFestObjectSharp’s Windows Azure deployment clinic held at Microsoft Canada HQ – you’re in luck. ObjectSharp’s Barry Gervin and Cory Fowler have put together a set of videos that go through what they covered on Saturday, so you too can have all that AzureFesty goodness in the comfort of your own office, home or café.

In the current set of videos, they cover:

  1. Signing up for the introductory Windows Azure Offer
  2. Deploying a web application package to Azure via the Azure Portal
  3. Cleaning up after yourself and tearing down an existing Azure web deployment

They’ll be posting a set of videos shortly covering:

  • Deploying a SQL database to Azure
  • Installing Azure Tools for Visual Studio and the SDK
  • Deploying ASP.NET applications to Azure from within Visual Studio

Do This Azure Deployment Exercise, Get $25 for Your Dev User Group!

Microsoft Canada is extending its special offer to members of user groups: deploy an app to Azure and send us a screenshot, and we’ll give $25 to the developer user group of your choice. There’s a set of step-by-step instructions on Barry’s blog.

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.