
Save 15% Off ObjectSharp’s Upcoming Silverlight Training in Toronto!

silverlight 4 training

Silverlight is incredibly useful, because it lets you write applications with rich user interfaces that can live on the desktop, in web pages and on Windows Phone, backed by the .NET framework. A lot of businesses use it to create web-based applications that have all the UI power of desktop apps, plus the benefit of being able to interact securely with files on their machines, devices, data and other applications.

The fine folks at ObjectSharp, whose office is right by the corner of Yonge and King in downtown Toronto, are great trainers for people who want to learn how to get the most out of Microsoft’s development tools and technologies, and they’ll be running another Silverlight course soon: from Monday, January 31st through Thursday, February 3rd. The ObjectSharpies are great guys who do great presentations (we’ve called on them to create and present TechDays sessions many, many times), and the classrooms in their new office (featuring a lot of cool gear, including the giant screen I wrote about earlier) are stunning.

If you’re a new registrant, you can save 15% off ObjectSharp’s upcoming Silverlight training course. You get the second-to-none ObjectSharp training, all done in their state-of-the-art classrooms, you’ll pick up mad skills for a valuable (and a make-you-hireable)technology – and all at a reduced price. What’s not to like? Register now, and tell them Joey sent you!

Click here to register

This article also appears in Canadian Developer Connection.