
One Reason Why Shopify Kicks Ass: Our CEO is Also a Coder

I just noticed this tweet from our HR queen, Brittany:

brittany tweet

and here’s the photo she linked to, featuring Tobi, our CEO, being a 1337 H4X0R (and an agile one, too!):

pair programming with tobi

As much as I’d like to do pair programming with Tobi, I’m afraid I’d be completely outclassed by him. What with all the great coders in this office, I’m certain that I’m the dumbest guy in the room (which is nowhere as bad as it sounds).

This article also appears in the Shopify Technology Blog.

2 replies on “One Reason Why Shopify Kicks Ass: Our CEO is Also a Coder”

For years I ran and played with Typo, a RoR blog engine that @tobi wrote in an hour in a Starbucks here in Ottawa. I’ve since moved to tumblr, but tobi’s code was a really good primer on RoR at the time.

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