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This is a photo of a photojournalist taking pictures at the scene of the recent F-18 crash in Virginia. She’s got at least 2 SLR-type cameras and 3 telephoto lenses that we can see, but in the photo, she’s taking a picture with a mobile phone, leading to the funny meme caption.
With all those fancy cameras at her disposal, why is she taking pictures with a phone? Probably because it can do what her cameras can’t: quickly send a photo, whether it’s to the news organization she’s working for, or quickly post it online.
Once again, I’m reminded of William Gibson’s quote from the short story Burning Chrome: “The street finds its own uses for things,” and that’s certainly the case for mobile tech.
8 replies on “Sign of the Times (or: “Has $13,000 Worth of Camera Gear; Uses Phone Instead”)”
There could be another reason for grabbing a cell phone photo. On the few occasions I am shooting for a client, they own all the shots I take with my gear. I sometimes grab a shot with my cell, for me, as a status update, or just a momento of the event.
There isn’t a really good way (that I have found) to get photos from a professional SLR onto your phone. I would pay up to $150 for a dongle that did that. SLRs take the best pictures, but you have to get to a computer to actually share them. I want a way to, in a iOS camera app, choose “SLR” as a source, snap a photo, and have it appear on the phone for instant sharing.
Mark Jaquith: I’m pretty surprised that there isn’t some kind of Bluetooth- or other wireless way to easily transmit a photo from a DLSR to a phone, even if at reduce quality or size. Maybe that will come as point-and-shoot cameras slowly vanish as they get subsumed by smartphones.
Joey deVilla: There is indeed such a thing: … it’ll send to your phone, ipad, tablet or computer.
My take on using a cell phone camera is this: He seems to have long lenses on his SLR cameras. If he wanted a quick wide angle shot, a cell phone gives that without taking time to change lenses. Low quality and get the shot beats high quality and miss it, IMHO.
Are you looking for I’ve not ever used it but they do seem to fit the description of what you’re looking for and they’re even less than $150.
I think my sister will get a kick outta this.. Those things around her neck are no longer camera’s photography devises, they are simply the badge she wears that indicates to others that she is in fact, a professional. Seems like a lot of work, considering a press badge would likely do the trick.
Hmm, are we 100% sure this is not a photoshop job? Zooming in to the hands holding the phone, it kinda looks bogus. The fact that it’s a compressed jpg obscures things further.
Great pic! It powerfully demonstrates that professionals have the power of choice to pick the right tool for the job!