Actual picture of Yours Truly taken with the “With Mitt” app.
The “With Mitt” app — an app created as a promotional tool for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign — contains the worst possible typo: in it, “America” is misspelled as “Amercia”. Let this be a lesson to all you mobile app developers trying to develop and deploy an app in a hurry: make sure you’ve got someone, preferably someone removed from the development process, to check the graphics and text of your apps!
Getting the contract to build the Romney app must’ve been a dream for the developers at first: relatively simple to program, heavily promoted as part of a presidential campaign and sure to be downloaded by many, many users. Now, I’m sure that’s a nightmare for them: an embarrassing gaffe, an angry customer and a tarnished rep for quality.
My recommendation would be for the developers to own up to it and perhaps even publish a “lessons learned” article. It’s far better to own the mistake than to have a potential client do due diligence and then discover that they were the people behind “the app that misspelled America for the Romney campaign”.
If you’re curious, go check my entry in the Accordion Guy blog, where I have a little fun with the app.
Designing for Mobile is a gallery of app user interfaces collected by an app designer from Xanadu, a mobile design and development shop, who documents interesting UI patterns that s/he comes across.
Way less wired in 2016: In Cisco’s most recent edition of its Visual Networking Index, they predict that wifi and cellular will account for 60% of all internet traffic by 2016. This is quite a contrast from last year, when wifi accounted for 40% of all ‘net traffic, will cellular making up about 2%.
The mismatch between the growth in mobile usage and making money from mobile (I’m trying to avoid using the word “monetization”), explained. Remember, there was once a mismatch between the growth in internet usage and making money from it, too.