
Newly Added to My GitHub: “inPulse Magic 8-Ball: A Beginner’s Tutorial for Programming inPulse Smartwatch Apps”

I’ve just added inPulse Magic 8-Ball: A Beginner’s Tutorial for Programming inPulse Smartwatch Apps to my GitHub. If you’ve been meaning to get into “smart devices” programming but didn’t know where to start, this is a good place. You don’t even need an inPulse smartwatch to get started; in the tutorial, I show you how to set up a virtual machine with an inPulse simulator. Then, I walk you through “Hello, World!”, a couple of API functions, and finally, a “Magic 8-Ball” app. If you’ve done at least a little programming and aren’t afraid to do a little coding in C, I think you’ll find this a fun exercise.

In case you were wondering, the inPulse smartwatch is the predecessor to the new hotness and Kickstarter darling, the Pebble smartwatch.

While this project is ready for the general public and pretty complete, I still consider it a work in progress. I’ll keep adding to it over the next few weeks, so check it often!