
Ladies Learning Code Fundraiser Party: Wednesday, September 19th in Toronto

The Back Story

When Heather Payne wanted to learn how to make websites and web applications, she didn’t know where to turn. She didn’t know any developers to help her get started or even point the way, and the “boy’s club” image of the programming world can be quite off-putting to women. Fortunately, she found a PyLadies Python programming workshop while visiting Los Angeles in 2011, and the experience inspired her to create a similar environment back home in Toronto. With a single tweet, her idea grew into what we now know as Ladies Learning Code.

Ladies Learning Code now has a permanent atelier at the Annex branch of the Centre for Social Innovation large enough to hold workshops for dozens of eager learners who want to get a better idea of how the technology they use every day works, how to program it, and how to be creative with it. This sort of thing costs money, so they’re holding a fundraiser in the space next Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m..

Ladies Learning Code Fundraiser Party! Photos of the Ladies Learning Code space before and after it was renovated.

The Details

  • When: Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m.
  • Where: Centre for Social Innovation’s Annex Branch at 720 Bathurst Street
  • Admission: $25 — purchase your ticket online here (choose the $25 “Party Time” perk or the $50 “Party Time Dlus Donation” perk)
  • What’ll be there:
    • Bottle Service for the high-rollers: $125 gets you a bottle and your own private area
    • A free drink with your ticket
    • Inexpensive drinks – they’re $3 each, including the Caesars sponsored by Mott’s Clamato
    • DJs and a dance floor
    • Old-school videogames: a Nintendo NES and a rare Vectrex (a hard-to-find vector graphics console)
    • 3D printers and 3D-printed goods for sale
    • iPad caricatures
    • …and more!

It’s a good party for a good cause, and hey — I’ll be there. What more incentive do you need?

This article also appears in The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century.
