
Who’s betting on BlackBerry?

who's betting on blackberry

I can’t name any techies who are betting on BlackBerry, but I can point to a few investors on Seeking Alpha who are:

I shouldn’t have to remind you that the bets an investor makes and the bets that a mobile technologist makes are very different creatures. These Seeking Alpha analysts are in the business of getting as much bang out of their investment buck as possible, while readers of this blog are in the business of getting as much functionality out of their tech as possible. These rumbling from the investment community are worth noting because they give some hints as to what BlackBerry may do in the future, which the investors seem to hope is to give up hardware and concentrate on mobile device management and security, which are sure to be a big deal over the next few years.

Nor should I have to remind you that none of this should be construed as investment advice: you pays your money and you takes your chances, and nowhere did we didn’t tell you what to bet on.

this article also appears in the GSG blog

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