
Mobile platform share: iOS owns the enterprise, and tablets are disrupting desktops and laptops

Chitika Insight’s report on smartphone web usage

us-canada smartphone usage by os

Click the graph to see its source, Chitika’s Smartphone Usage Update report.

Chitika released their Smartphone Usage Report, which contains the following observations:

  • While Windows Phone usage remained flat, declining BlackBerry usage has propped it up to third place.
  • iOS users generate the most smartphone web traffic, accounting for 53.1% of it, even though there are about 4 times as many Android devices as there are iOS ones.
  • Android users generate the second-most web traffic: 44.5%.

You can download the report for free (you have to provide an email address) from Chitika’s site.

Canalys: Tablets disrupt business tablets and laptops

canalys graph PC sales 2014-05

Tablet shipments may be showing slowed-down growth in Q1 2014 due to a 40% drop in iPad shipments in the US, but the research firm Canalys doesn’t think the slowdown is a long-term trend.

They also see Apple as remaining leaders in the tablet space:

“Consumers, and increasingly businesses, are continuing to adapt, with tablets acting as disruptors and finding their place as desktop and notebook replacements. Apple’s ecosystem and the recent launch of Office for iPad should ensure it is well placed to remain a leader for some time.”

Good Technology: iOS still rules the enterprise, and the iPad really rules enterprise tablets

This news is from a couple of months ago, but the figures are still valid: the enterprise mobile technology firm Good Technology, based on the 2,000+ companies using their services, that iOS has an overall 73% share of enterprise mobile devices…

net activations

…and when you consider only tablets in the enterprise, the iOS share rockets up to 91%:

tablet activations

this article also appears in the GSG blog