
In case you thought that “Unix Wizard” was just an expression…

do not disturb the unix wizard

Found via CatsMob. Click the photo to see the source.

That crazy old wizard just typed grep . ./droids.txt | grep -v r2-d2 | grep -v c-3p0!

One reply on “In case you thought that “Unix Wizard” was just an expression…”

Grepping for any symbol (.) is not a very meaningful thing. I guess he just wanted the list of droids without r2-d2 or c-3p0 in their lines. That could be achieved by just using egrep or grep -E: `grep -vE r2-d2|c-3p0 < droids.txt`. Or, more conventionally, sed: `sed '/r2-d2\|c-3p0/' < droids.txt`

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