
Mobile share numbers for the end of 2014: 75% of Americans now have a smartphone

3 out of 4 americans

Around this time last year, Nielsen’s U.S. Digital Consumer Report estimated that 65% of Americans — about two-thirds — owned a smartphone. Data from comScore’s MobiLens and Mobile Metrix surveys shows that this percentage has grown, with an estimated 75% of Americans owning smartphones during the period from October through December 2014.

top us smartphone oems dec 2014

The top smartphone vendor for that time period was Apple, who claimed 41.6% of America’s smartphone subscribers, followed by Samsung, with 29.7% of the market share. The next three OEMs, LG, Motorola, and HTC, trailed distantly with single-digit shares of the market, and the remaining vendors accounted for the final 11%.

top us smartphone platforms dec 2014

Android was the number one platform with 53.1% market share, followed by iOS with 41.6%. The two top players dwarfed the rest of the field, which includes Windows Phone at 3.4%, BlackBerry at 1.8%, and Symbian just hanging on with one-tenth of one percent of the market.

top us smartphone apps dec 2014

Facebook was the app most used by Americans, reaching 70.2% of the app audience, with a nearly 20-point lead over the runner-up, YouTube, with 52.5%.

this article also appears in the GSG blog

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