
Tonight at the Tampa Bay UX Meetup: Apple TV UX with Anitra Pavka!

apple tv fun facts

A slide from tonight’s presentation.

tampa bay user experienceI was scheduled to speak tonight at the Tampa Bay UX Meetup and talk about Apple TV UX with my wife Anitra, but as luck would have it, work commitments this evening with GSG’s biggest client have conspired to keep me away.

The show must go on, and it’s in very good hand. Anitra’s forgotten more about user experience than I will ever learn, what with her work as a user experience and web accessibility consultant. She also wrote the accessibility chapter in O’Reilly’s HTML5 Cookbook and was a technical editor for O’Reilly’s Universal Design for Web Applications book. She’ll apply her knowledge to the fourth-generation Apple TV user experience, and walk you through it. There’ll be a presentation, followed by live demos of Apple TV apps and interface. She’ll also point you to resources that you can use to help you design and even build tvOS apps.

It all happens tonight at 6:00 p.m. at the offices of 352 Inc., located at 5100 West Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 352 in Tampa. You can sign up and find out more on the Tampa Bay UX Meetup page. My thanks to organizer Krissy Scoufis for all her help!