
A whole lotta videos of Google I/O 2016 presentations

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I’m working on upping my Android development game, and if you are too, you’ll probably want to check out this collection of high-quality videos from Google I/O 2016. There’s hours of viewing here…enjoy!

Google I/O 2016 keynote

What’s new in Android

What’s new in Android Studio 2.2

The experts’ guide to Android development tools

Android layouts: A new world

What the fragment?

RecyclerView ins and outs

Android themes and styles demystified

Discover the expanded Material Design motion guidelines

Streamlining developer experiences with the Google Maps APIs

Location and proximity superpowers (Eddystone + Google Beacon Platform)

Understand your place in this world (Google Place API)

Image compression for Android developers

Android high-performance audio

Best practices in media playback

Building for billions on Android

Android application architecture: Get ready for the next billion users!

Firebase overview

Zero to app: Develop with Firebase

Lean and fast: Putting your app on a diet

Android memory and battery optimizations

What’s new in the support library

What’s new in Google Play for developers

Introducing Google Developer Certification: Become an Associate Android Developer