Yours Truly, dressed for software product management success!
Day one of the new job at Sourcetoad started with me going to the gym, heading home, showering, and then getting appropriately dressed, as pictured above.
Then it was off to the new office, whose exterior looks like this:
The view from near Sourcetoad’s future front door (we’re expanding into another office).
The side of Sourcetoad’s building.
The view from near Sourcetoad’s front door (soon to be its back door, as we’re expanding the office).
The office is biking distance from home, but I’ll be driving to work for the next little while. That’s because from June to September, Tampa gets afternoon tropical storms with lots of lightning (Tampa’s the lightning capital of North America), and during those times, a bike a basically a lightning rod that you sit on.
In addition to being my first day at Sourcetoad, it was also the first day for our new mural. Local artists Rebekah Lazaridis and Meaghan Scalise came by in the morning to paint the work.
I got only a momentary glimpse of the artists in action, as I was busy wrangling my new provisions:
Click the photo to see it at full size.
As is tradition when one is on their first day at a workplace with a more startup-like feel, I’m posting a photo of the stuff that’s been assigned to me by Sourcetoad. Among them are:
- 15-inch Macbook Pro. It’s my first new-school Macbook with the Touch Bar and incompatible-with-everything-I-own USB-C ports. But it is a delightfully lean, mean, senior product management machine! The company-provided spare power adapter is a nice bonus.
- Not one, but two additional monitors! This is the first workplace to provide such a perk.
- Sourcetoad water bottle. I’m a regular gym-goer and cyclist (I plan to bike to work when it’s not thunderstorm season), so I can never have too many good water bottles.
- Sourcetoad-branded “Field Notes”-style notebook and mechanical pencil. Because there are times when electronics will fail you.
I spent the morning getting my laptop and various accounts set up, followed by lunch with CEO Greg Ross-Munro and Director of Operations Deborah Neff, most of the afternoon getting briefed on software projects by Director of Projects Nick DeMelas, and the end of the day having a beer with the Sourcetoad crew in the break room. I’m pretty pleased with how Day One went.