James Damore, writer of bigoted screeds, The Google ManifestBRO”, “Darth Chad”, defender of straight white male mediocrity, and first and hopefully last of his name.
The attempted glamor shots of James Damore in the New York Times article Push for Gender Equality in Tech? Some Men Say It’s Gone Too Far are wasted on a permanently rumpled guy who’s not enough of a goddamned grown-up to put on a pressed shirt for an appearance in one of the world’s most-read publications. At least they had the decency to leave lots of room in the shots to add insightful commentary, as I did in the examples above and below.
The article is packed with stories of male nerds bereft of all common sense. One of the bits that made me laugh out loud is this quote from Nvidia engineer James Alitzer, who somehow both agreed to be named in the article and said this (the emphasis on the stupid bits is mine):
“I’m sitting in a soundproof booth right now because I’m afraid someone will hear me. When you’re discussing gender issues, it’s almost religious, the response. It’s almost zealotry.”
If you really want to learn something about the controversy of which Damore is the slovenly, unkempt center, you’re far better served by taking a look at Jez Humble’s presentation at the recent Agile2017 conference in Orlando. Go to this video of his presentation, skip to the 49:25 mark, and hear some of the best rebuttals to the whiny claims of James Damore and his “women and coloreds ruin everything” ilk.
5 replies on “The New York Times left lots of empty space in James Damore’s glamor shots. Use them well.”
That Damore is a piece of work.
Like most, I haven’t even actually read what he wrote. Nonetheless I am with you in your outrage.
What part did he say “women and coloreds ruin everything?” I’m shocked he’s intelligent enough to code for google but stupid enough to choose those exact words!
I’m assuming those are his exact words used in the memo since your article wrapped quotations around them…
And obviously you would not dare shame someone for anything…like looks.
Unless of course you disagree with them, then it’s okay. That’s only because your view is right and you need to be on the politically correct side of everything, regardless of how it relates to you.
You’re morons. You’re snowflakes that no matter what science and reality dictate, if it may possibly offend someone then you must take a stance against it.
I’ve read what he said. It’s true. If anyone’s feelings get hurt or anyone feels left out or whatever the hell idiot ass people feel, it doesn’t matter.
Reality and facts and science will not change because you don’t like what they are.
There are virtually endless instances that prove what he says is truth.
Feeling strongly about something doesn’t make it real or tangible. Even when taken out of context or reworded or whatever this mangled bunch of characters you’ve assembled on this page is.
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