
Looking for a great conference on iOS development? Check out RWDevCon!

If you’re interested in iOS development and are looking for a conference to attend next year, I highly recommend RWDevCon, the all-tutorial, mostly-iOS conference run by the fine people at the tutorial site!

It takes place during April 5 through 7, 2018 in Alexandria, Virginia, and will feature…

…four in-depth workshops…

  1. Swift algorithms: build your own collection type, and while doing so, dive into the semantics, performance, and expectations of each Swift collection protocol. Then you’ll explore ways to write your code that takes advantage of this new knowledge.
  2. Machine learning: A hands-on workshop where you’ll harness CoreML and Vision framework and find out what machine learning is, train a model, and then integrate it into an app.
  3. Practical instruments: Finally learn how to use Xcode’s instruments to see how you apps works, find out where the bottlenecks are, and boost your app’s performance.
  4. And finally, the workshop I’m giving: ARKit — where you’ll learn about the features of Apple’s ARKit augmented reality framework, harness data from the camera and your users’ motions, present information and draw images over real-world scenes, and make the world your View Controller!

…and all these presentations…

  • Living Style Guides
  • Swift 4 Serialization
  • Architecting Modules
  • Cloning Netflix: Surely it Can’t be That Hard
  • Auto Layout Best Practices
  • Clean Architecture on iOS
  • The Game of Life
  • Android for iOS Developers
  • The Art of the Chart
  • Spring Cleaning Your App
  • Improving App Quality with Test Driven Development
  • Advanced WKWebView
  • Clean Architecture on Android
  • Getting Started with ARKit (that’s the one I’m giving!)
  • Custom Views
  • App Development Workflow
  • Integrating Metal Shaders with SceneKit
  • Xcode Tips & Tricks
  • Advanced Unidirectional Architecture
  • Embracing the Different
  • Lessons from the App Store

…and a party every night…

…all in a great venue:

Want to find out more? Visit!