Tonight’s Tampa Bay UX Group meetup will be a panel discussion about the expectations for and the future of user experience in 2018, and in a little bit of synchronicity, we’ve just had a major missile alert thanks in part to a poorly-designed user interface in which the selections for a missile alert drill and the real thing differed by a single word. This should make for an especially interesting discussion.
See this and others at the Laws of UX site.
I should run a betting pool on what time the first mention of the Law of Proximity (objects that are near, or proximate to each other, tend to be grouped together) will get mentioned when the Hawaii incident gets discussed.
I’ll be at tonight’s Tampa Bay UX Group meetup, and if you’re in the Tampa Bay area, you should be too! It takes place tonight at the offices of 352 Inc (5100 W Kennedy Blvd, Suite 352, Tampa) from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. Please note that the building locks its doors at 6:30, so arrive before then!
I’ll close with this relevant tweet:
When @slack is better than your missile defence warning system…
— Jon Wade (@asjonish) January 15, 2018