Current Events Tampa Bay

What’s happening in the Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur/nerd scene (Week of Monday, April 13, 2020)

Hello, Tampa Bay techies, entrepreneurs, and nerds — here’s this week’s list of area events with your expertise and interests in mind! I hope things for you are going as well as possible given our current situation. As I write this, we’re a dozen days into the Florida general stay-at-home order, and five weeks since I’ve been doing the social distancing thing (following the recommendations of the best damn public health official I personally know). For the foreseeable future, I’m listing only online events. I’m looking forward to the day when we’ll all be able to meet up in person, but in the meantime, go online and #MakeItTampaBay!

The power of community is what will see us through this crisis. It’s the spirit of cooperation, camaraderie, and community that helped build the tech scene in my old home town of Toronto, and it can do the same here in Tampa Bay. Let’s take what we can from the current situation and use it to rebuild and move forward. I’m happy to do my part and help out with my reach and resources, or even to lend an ear. Feel free to contact me at!

This week’s events

Monday, April 13

Tuesday, April 14

Wednesday, April 15

Thursday, April 16

Friday, April 17

Saturday, April 18

Sunday, April 19

No events are listed for Sunday.

Do you have any events or announcements that you’d like to see on this list?

Let me know at!

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