Career Tampa Bay

Why Connections Matter More Than Your Resume: This afternoon on Synapse’s “Libate and Learn”

This afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30, Synapse is hosting a “Libate and Learn” session titled Why Connections Matter More Than Your Resume.

Here’s the abstract:

When looking for employment, we all know how to build a resume. But what else can we do? How important is your network and utilizing your connections? How can we build these connections in a virtual world? Are you wondering how to get in with the right company? Grab a drink, relax, and join us remotely for a FREE virtual event with Synapse’s next episode of Libate and Learn with Rich Heruska, Leigh-Ann Buchanan, and Jill St. Thomas, moderated by Synapse’s CEO Brian Kornfeld. They’ll share best practices for building your network and maintaining connections with the right stakeholder. We will then open up the discussion for Q&A.

Participating in this session will be:

  • Rich Heruska, serial entrepreneur, former accelerator director at Tampa Bay Wave, and Synapse Board Member, who’ll talk about…
    • What small and medium sized businesses are looking for
    • Why building a network during a downtime or recession is important
    • How a network can take you to the next steps of your career
    • What can someone building a network expect out of an entrepreneurial support organization and how can they maximize their benefits
  • Leigh-Ann Buchanan, Founding Executive Director of Venture Cafe Miami, who will cover:
    • Connections matter, particularly to build an ecosystem and with the right stakeholders
    • Ecosystems are built entirely on connections
    • Multiple ways people can get value from connections
    • Who are the important people and stakeholders to network with
    • How networking at in-person events or online can differ, and be similar
  • Jill St. Thomas, Executive Director of Tampa Bay Tech. She will cover:
    • Radical connectivity is the key to a thriving ecosystem
    • How connectivity can lead to jobs and opportunities
    • Connectivity between organizations can benefit everybody, it is not a zero-sum game
    • Continually getting and staying connected can be the difference between success and failure
  • Brian Kornfeld, CEO and Co-Founder of Synapse. He’ll moderate and will also cover
    • How to effectively build a network and promote yourself
    • What to look for when networking
    • How to continually add value to the community, and how that brings value to yourself
    • Things to be prepared for when building a network
    • When is the right time to make an ask

This session is online and free to attend, but you have to pre-register! Pre-register here.