Current Events Tampa Bay

Announcing the Suncoast Developers Guild Summer Solstice Hackathon (June 19 – 21, online)!

Hey, Tampa Bay developers — here’s a chance to build something awesome together! Suncoast Developers Guild is holding an online Summer Solstice Hackathon, and it’s happening in just a couple of weeks: June 19th through 21st! As they put it, it’s an opportunity to “spend the longest day of the year solving the hardest challenges of 2020 with fellow developers, designers, and champions of economic development in our region.”

There will be three key themes for this hackathon:

Pandemic preparedness and recovery: Every day in this region, software developers are solving problems for non-profits, businesses, families, and communities. As COVID-19 has shown us, this recovery depends on solving problems in creative ways. How can we best be prepared for the next pandemic?

Inclusion, diversity, and intersectionality in the tech workforce: Yes, Houston, we have a problem. When a workforce does not represent the communities it serves, it causes harm and hampers vibrant solutions. SDG’s is working to change this; come and help us.

Building a smarter, more connected Tampa Bay: Developers understand both sustainability and problem-solving. Harness our power by solving a Smart City challenge that will elevate us all. Can we build IoT and Smart City solutions that help our region’s residents without hurting their privacy?

There will be three cash prizes for each theme: $1000 for the main prize, $750 for the runner-up, and $250 for the solo participant. That’s nine prizes in total!

Once again, this event will happen online. You can hack in the comfort of your own home — all hanging out will be done on Discord. Registration and participation is free-as-in-beer.

This is a great way to put your skills to good use and test them, get connected with the Tampa Bay community, and make Tampa Bay a better place in which to live, work, and play. Find out more at the Summer Solstice Hackathon site at!