Current Events Tampa Bay

August episodes from Tampa Bay’s tech podcasts

I thought I’d try a new feature for the end of each month: A listing of the month’s episodes from Tampa Bay tech podcasts! Here are the ones I know about, listed from newest podcast on the block, to one that’s been around for years.

Friends That Code

Friends that Code is the newest podcast on this list, and it’s hosted by Mike Traverso, whom locals may know from the Tampa Bay Google Developers Group meetup and other Google-y events. In this podcast, he showcases…

…some amazing people I know that just happen to write code for a living. Whether they started off intending to code or just happened into it, we get to hear about the types of people you’ll meet, things you’ll get to do, jobs you’ll have along the way, and advice from some awesome coders along the way!

Here are the episodes from August:

The Mike Dominick Show

The Mike Dominick Show is the second-newest of the podcasts in this list, and it has an open source focus.

Here are the episodes from August:

The 6 Figure Developer

At the time I’m writing this, The 6 Figure Developer — hosted by John Callway, Clayton Hunt, and Jon Ash — has posted 158 episodes. It’s…

…a show dedicated to helping developers to grow their career. Topics include Test Driven Development, Clean Code, Professionalism, Entrepreneurship, as well as the latest and greatest programming languages and concepts.

Here are the episodes from August:

  • Episode 158 – Project Tye with Glenn Condron
    Glenn is a Program Manager on the Application Platform team at Microsoft, where he spends most of his time working on the ASP.NET 5 core runtime. Before joining Microsoft Glenn was a developer in Australia where he worked on software for various government departments.
  • Episode 157 – BlazorCMS & SpeakerMeet
    This week we’re going to talk about some of our personal projects. I have been working on a CMS in Blazor and John has a site for Technology Speakers.
  • Episode 156 – Data Engineer Role with Dwight Goins
    Dwight is an industry luminary focused on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Augmented and Mixed Reality, IOT, and Emerging User Experiences. He is the Chief Algorithm Officer of Thoth Speed Engineers, Senior Adviser to NEDD Tech Inc. as well as an Application Delivery Manager at JM Family Enterprises.
  • Episode 155 – Burnout & Change Mgmt with Rob Bogue
    Rob is a speaker, author, and consultant. As owner of Thor Projects, a premiere consulting organization in Indianapolis (Indiana), he helps clients make the complicated simple.

Thunder Nerds

Of the podcasts in this roundup, Thunder Nerds — “A conversation with the people behind the technology, that love what they do… and do tech good” — has been around the longest, with 271 episodes over five seasons to date. You’ve probably seen the hosts at local meetups and conferences; they’re Sarrah Vesselov, Frederick Philip Von Weiss, and Brian Hinton.

Here are the episodes from August:

  • 271: Getting Into Tech & Being a Developer Advocate with Sam Julien
    In this episode, we get to talk with Sam Julien, Sr. Developer Advocate Engineer at Auth0. We discuss what it’s like to get into the technology industry and dive into Sam’s personal journey. We also explore what it’s like being a developer advocate in today’s remote world.
  • 270: A Conversation About Design with Pablo Stanley
    In this episode, we get to speak with Design Leader, YouTuber, and Co-founder & CEO at Blush Pablo Stanley. We discuss the fundamentals of design thinking, and how to improve your craft. We also talk about Blush, and how it allows you to customize every piece of an illustration to create your own compositions.