.NET 5 is the 5th major version of the .NET framework, the bedrock of modern Microsoft platform development, and it’s out today!
(For the official details, check out the announcement on the .NET Blog: Announcing .NET 5.0.)
In addition to being the replacement for .NET Framework 4.8 as well as .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5 unifies the various flavors of .NET — “.NET Framework”, .Net Core, Mono, the various Xamarins, Unity, and Universal Windows Platform — into a more cohesive whole.
With this new version of .NET come new versions of its programming languages: C# 9 and F#5, as well as ASP.NET Core and EF Core.
Want to find out more about .NET 5? A good starting point is the article Five Things You Should Know About .NET 5, written by my teammate Andrea Chiarelli on the Auth0 Developers Blog.