Entrepreneur Tampa Bay

Find out more about Tampa’s tech and startup scene

If you want the most up-to-date overview of Tampa Bay’s startup scene, you’ll want to check out Startup Guide: Tampa Bay.

Dan Holahan, member Experience Manager at Embarc Collective.

It was just published yesterday, and it’s written by Dan Holahan of Embarc Collective, a startup accelerator/incubator/coworking space located near downtown Tampa.

Dan’s writeup covers:

  • A quick summary of “The Other Bay Area”
  • Tampa Bay’s capital landscape
  • Notable Tampa Bay startup fundraising deals that took place in the last six months
  • Tampa Bay’s startup funders
  • Tampa Bay startups to watch
  • Local incubators, accelerators, and startup hubs
  • Coworking spaces in the area
  • Tampa Bay tech/entrepreneur conferences
  • Tampa Bay community and event organizers
  • Local tech media and podcasts (and I cover more in my recent article on Tampa Bay tech podcasts)
  • Local startup job listings
  • Tampa Bay city initiatives aimed at entrepreneurs

The Latest on Tampa’s Tech Scene was published in October 2020 and features a number of Tampa Bay-based entrepreneurs, organizations, and activities, including:

Here’s a video showcase 50 innovators and companies making their mark in Tampa’s tech and startup scene:


Here are a couple of articles showing how well Tampa rates against other startup hubs around the world:


Want to know more about what companies in Tampa Bay are worth watching? These two articles are a good start:


You need two key ingredients to build a startup scene: nerds and rich people. I’ve pointed you to articles about the nerds, so here’s one about the rich people who’ll fund the nerdery:

Need more convincing that Tampa Bay is the right place for your tech startup? These might help: