Career Programming

Coding interview questions: “First recurring character” in Swift

Earlier this week, I posted the first article in the How to solve coding interview questions series: Find the first recurring character in a string.

Here’s the challenge:

Write a Python function named first_recurring_character() or a JavaScript function named firstRecurringCharacter() that takes a string and returns either:

° The first recurring character in the given string, if one exists, or

° A null value like JavaScript’s or Kotlin’s null, Python’s None, or Swift’s nil.

Here’s the Swift version of my solution:

// Swift

func firstRecurringCharacter(text: String) -> String? {
  var previouslyEncounteredCharacters = Set<Character>()
  for character in text {
    if previouslyEncounteredCharacters.contains(character) {
      return String(character)
    } else {
  return nil

The Swift implementation differs from the Python and JavaScript versions due to Swift’s stricter typing

  1. Swift’s Set requires you to specify the type of things that it will store. In this case, we want to store items of type Character.
  2. When looping through the items in a string with a for loop in Swift, you get Character items. That’s why previouslyEncounteredCharacters stores Character items and not String items. Once the function detects the first recurring character, it converts that character into a string and returns that value.

Previously in this series