Rapid7 and High Tech Connect are teaming up to have a tech fest in Rapid7’s new office starting at 5:15 p.m.! If you’re looking for work, you’ll want to check this out, as there’ll be networking, an open resume review and Rapid7 hiring update and overview. Find out more and register here!
What’s High Tech Connect?
High Tech Connect is a meetup group whose goal is to facilitate connections in the Tampa Bay technology community. They do this by holding monthly “Tech Fests,” which include a number of companies, including a not-for-profit, a start-up, and 3 or 4 for-profit businesses.
It’s a great way to catch up with your friends in the tech community, make new friends, and find out what’s going on here in “The Other Bay Area.”
Here’s a true story about an opportunity that started at High Tech Connect: In the summer of 2019, I was looking for work and decided to attend the July High Tech Connect event. I ran into my friend Tracy Ingram at the gathering, and we got to talking. A little bit into the conversation, I asked Tracy “Hey, do you want to go on StartupBus this year?”
He said yes. We went on StartupBus, formed a team (pictured above), made it to the finals, and were the first runner-up. I parleyed that into a mobile development job at Lilypad, and then later, into my current job as a Senior Developer Advocate at Okta.
Long story short: it pays to go to events like High Tech Connect!
What’s Rapid7?
Rapid7 are a security company, and as a reader of this blog, you’ve probably heard of their pentesting tool, Metasploit, their digital forensics and incident response tool, Velociraptor, or their threat intelligence tool, Threat Command.
What’s happening at this event?

For starters, they’re showing off their new office space in Channelside, located between the Florida Aquarium and the Channelside Bay Plaza.
It’s also a recruiting party. Rapid7 is hiring! You can see the list of current jobs here, and here’s a list of future roles currently not on their site:
- Technical Support Engineer
- Salesforce Senior Solution Architect
- Salesforce Engineer
- (Senior) Business Systems Analysts
- Product Manager
- Product Manager, IT
- Netsuite Administrator
- Product Operations Manager
- Senior Software Engineer
- Lead Software Engineer
- Software Engineer II
- Principal Software Engineer
- Data Engineer
Finally, it’s a networking event. That’s why I’ll be there!
Does it cost anything? Do I need to register?
- It’s free!
- It would be best if you registered — and you can do it here!