Want to get a head start on the artificial intelligence wave? Among other things, you’ll need to get a solid understanding of Python and machine learning, and the $10 level of Humble Bundle’s “Cookbooks for Coders” bundle has three great books to get you started:
Plus, you get seven other books covering a number of topics. I personally would benefit from the React, PowerShell, Raspberry Pi, and Regular Expression cookbooks.
I love the “cookbook” format, since it lives in the space between reference books, which are often too dry and provide no usage examples, and tutorials, which can often be a little too directed at solving one problem. Cookbooks give you just enough information to learn how to use a particular language or framework feature so that you can apply that knowledge to solving your particular problem or building the app that you have in mind. I find that I learn the most about a language or framework when I use material from cookbooks and other people’s code in building my own application ideas.
The “Cookbooks for Coders” Humble Bundle is available for another 13 days at the time of this writing. For ten dollars, it’s a pretty sweet deal. I’ve already picked it up, and if you want to get in on some of the machine learning opportunities that are already coming in fast and furious, you should too!