Career Meetups Tampa Bay What I’m Up To

Scenes and slides from Tampa Devs’ “Selling Yourself: The Art of Interviewing” meetup

Last night (Wednesday, June 21), Tampa Devs held a meetup at Embarc Collective with a great topic: Selling Yourself: The Art of Interviewing. They brought in some domain experts, who are also friends of this blog: Pitisci & Associates’ Craig Darrell, Brian Dodd, and Stephen Rideout, who were there to show us how to land a job.

Craig gave the presentation, which was eagerly absorbed by the audience, a lot of whom were first-time attendees of a Tampa Devs meetup. This was a crowd that was ready for their first or next job, and they had questions aplenty. Luckily for them, Craig, Brian, and Stever were there to answer them, and it looks like they had even more questions to answer after Craig’s talk.

I ended up deep in very enjoyable conversations with all sorts of people, and ended up talking about all sorts of things from AI ethics and Timnit Gebru, to C++ programming and the Deadly Diamond of Death, how I got into developer relations, and my proposed talk for how computers work “under the hood,” complete with a little assembly programming primer.

(And yes, I did a couple of accordion numbers.)

I’ll close this article with photos of Craig’s slides. Tap on them to view them at a larger size: